Friday 16 October 2009

My shoulder.......

IS actualy friggin sore. It might be something to do ith the many pillows i have on my bed but i'm not changing anything for anybody. Hang on. I need to feed the cat.

Cat fed.

Anyway i apologise for the lack of blog ness over the past few days. This was due to the fact that it was the weekend, ergo i was working like a bitch, and also last night my broadband decided to go on strike so i was stuck watching a slide show of all my old photo's and feeling all nostaligic. And playing solitaire. Cos lets face it. There's like practically nothing else worth doing with a laptop that doesn't involve an internet connection.

So yeah. I'd like to mention this before anyone else gets their grubby little ears on it.
Done all wrong by Black Rebel Motorcycle Club is a fucking tune. I know i only discovered it because i downloaded the probably unofficial twilight soundtrack. But we can forget that minor detail. I just want to express my love for it now before all the little fan girls start liking it once the film comes out.
my faveourite bit is when the harmonica comes in at 2:02. Its so bone chilling. Its awesome. I liek the while song so much i even want it played at my funeral. I know it sound morbid but i do. Its about doing bad things in your past and redemption so i think its perfect.

I also decided that i want a slideshow of all my photo's at my funeral too. I have no idea why i was coming up with all these morbid thoughts. But atleast i have an idea. I can say i'm more prepared than most people....about my funeral.....yeah.

Anyway. I need to decide what to have for dinner, have a shower and continue designing my tattoo. Fun fun fun. Oh. I also need to chose a photo to put up there.

(photo is from


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