Tuesday 13 October 2009

Hi Guyth!...........

WELL here i am writing another one. Are you proud of me?
I know i didn't give myself much of an introduction in my previous post and for that you'll have to firgive me. So let me tell you a little about myself.
As you can tell from the "About Me" section over yonder I am female, youngish, green eyed and what not. And i'm very sorry but i must tell you now that i am not very interesting. I don't do anything. I have a simle minimum wage job, a few close friends, one boyfriend, a cat and a dog. And that's about it. I live in Scotland but I was originally born in England. I went to School for 13 years and College for 1. I don't play sports, hell I don't even exercise. I like to spend my time either with my boyfriend, getting drunk or on my lap top. Since I got this thing, a pretty sweet Acer aspire, I have been totally addicted to the internet. It's insane. I've lost countless hours of sleep because i've been watching videos, reading blogs, looking at fails/graphs/lolcats/anything else cheezburger related, lurking on forums and downloading shit that i'll use once and then let it sit in my pc taking up memory space.
This blog will probably be the most worthwhile thing I have ever typed. Well appart from this kick ass Hemingway essay I did in 5th year. That weas awesome.

So yeah. At present i am waiting for my work uniform to dry and comtemplating what to have for dinner. My life is so interesting. It's actualy kinda sad that my life is less interesting than the posts on MLIA. All of the cool stuff that happens to them never happens to me.

Well tumble dryers been on for about hal an hour now. Guess I'll go see if it's dry. Still don't know what to have for dinner. Oh. Before i forget. Watch this : (insertrandomlinknamehere)
It's so awesome. I want one for my house.


(p.s I don't know why I signed the first one but i'll have to start doing all of them now. Just to make it fair)

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