Wednesday 14 October 2009

I love the smell of pledge

AS in the furniture polish. At work we use it for our silvers and stuff though, like optics and the corners on the pool tables. But i love the smell of it and i'm not sure why. So i used lots of it today at work. Was fun. I clearly have no life.

Also just thought i'd sahre something random. Dunno if you are aquainted with the late nd great Elliott Smith or not. But i grabbed a picture off a random site the other day and i'm now using it as my desktop background. At first I thought it was just a random grafitti'd wall so i saved it cos i thought it looked pretty. It wasn't until closer inspection that i discovered it was Eliott Smith's memorial wall. I didn't even know he had a memorial wall. Apparently it's on Sunset Blvd. So now my pc's bakground has more meaning. :)
But yeah. If you've never heard of him then check out "Angel in the Snow". It'll change your life.

(Said song from above)

Anyway I need to get some sleeps. I'm working most of the day tomorow. And then I have a big plans tomorow night. I'm happy happy happy. :D


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