Monday 26 October 2009

Dan le sac vs scroobius pip

I saved that as the title to this blog the other day so i would remember to write about them. I came across one of their songs, Thou Shalt Always Kill, on youtube and i thought it was amazing. I think i'd heard it somehwere else before but i can't remember. Anyway, well worth the listen. It will leave you with a slightly different opinion on popular culture or, if you're like me, just slightly guilty about drinkng coca cola and eating smarties.

So, Ye Olde Hallows Eve is on our doorstep. I was practising my dead person make up tonight. I'm having a few dress rehearsals before i have to go to work dressed up on friday night. I hate the pressure there is to have a good costume and to look scary but still presentable. It's like being at school. But atleast this year they've set down a rule that we have to be scary. So we're not gonna get anyone in anne summers costumes like we did last year.

And i'm going to edinburgh on friday, before work. Should be fun. I miss edinburgh and i haven't been back in ages and i kinda miss it. Even though there is memories of all the times i wasn't too happy there. Or the bad weather. It was still a sort of home for me for over a year. So it would be cruel to totally neglect it for glasgow. Hopefully I'm gona go to chocolate soup, and my favourite starbucks, and the wee shops off of the royal mile. :)

That may be one of the first times i put a smiley in my blog.
Thats bad.
Must return to sarcastic scynical self.

Anyway. Gonna go for a photo i found when i was stumbling Flickr.
(BTW I would totally recommend . Great for kiling time/ boredom/ brain cells.)

Can't get the actual picture to work. Dammit. Click here instead.

Ok i'll get another one.
New moon is out in less than a month and I am only a little ashamed to admit that I want to see it. Come On!
Every one knows that Robbert Pattinson is only hot in that film and is kinda gross and nerdy in real life. Plus i don't do thespians.

So yeah. I need to sleep, refresh, shower, and be fit for a day of cutting limes and pulling pints. Goody!

(oh! i'm back!)



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