Sunday 8 November 2009

I hate not having time to write this

Whose woods these are I think I know.
His house is in the village, though;
He will not see me stopping here
To watch his woods fill up with snow.

My little horse must think it queer
To stop without a farmhouse near
Between the woods and frozen lake
The darkest evening of the year.

He gives his harness bells a shake
To ask if there's some mistake.
The only other sound's the sweep
Of easy wind and downy flake.

The woods are lovely, dark and deep,
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.

Monday 26 October 2009

Dan le sac vs scroobius pip

I saved that as the title to this blog the other day so i would remember to write about them. I came across one of their songs, Thou Shalt Always Kill, on youtube and i thought it was amazing. I think i'd heard it somehwere else before but i can't remember. Anyway, well worth the listen. It will leave you with a slightly different opinion on popular culture or, if you're like me, just slightly guilty about drinkng coca cola and eating smarties.

So, Ye Olde Hallows Eve is on our doorstep. I was practising my dead person make up tonight. I'm having a few dress rehearsals before i have to go to work dressed up on friday night. I hate the pressure there is to have a good costume and to look scary but still presentable. It's like being at school. But atleast this year they've set down a rule that we have to be scary. So we're not gonna get anyone in anne summers costumes like we did last year.

And i'm going to edinburgh on friday, before work. Should be fun. I miss edinburgh and i haven't been back in ages and i kinda miss it. Even though there is memories of all the times i wasn't too happy there. Or the bad weather. It was still a sort of home for me for over a year. So it would be cruel to totally neglect it for glasgow. Hopefully I'm gona go to chocolate soup, and my favourite starbucks, and the wee shops off of the royal mile. :)

That may be one of the first times i put a smiley in my blog.
Thats bad.
Must return to sarcastic scynical self.

Anyway. Gonna go for a photo i found when i was stumbling Flickr.
(BTW I would totally recommend . Great for kiling time/ boredom/ brain cells.)

Can't get the actual picture to work. Dammit. Click here instead.

Ok i'll get another one.
New moon is out in less than a month and I am only a little ashamed to admit that I want to see it. Come On!
Every one knows that Robbert Pattinson is only hot in that film and is kinda gross and nerdy in real life. Plus i don't do thespians.

So yeah. I need to sleep, refresh, shower, and be fit for a day of cutting limes and pulling pints. Goody!

(oh! i'm back!)




IF i had a day like today then i would be going to bed feeling seriously unfulfilled with what i had acheived in the past 24 hours. But although i might not have done much, I think there is little things I have acheived that are more important. It's the little things that really count. For example:
  • 1. I woke up at a very healthy half 10 but didn't leave my actual bed until 1 pm.
This allowed me to relax, wake up properly, assess my dreams (In which i was an anime character btw. Very strange) and fully apreciate the new layout of my bed. I have added an extra pillow and blanket.

  • 2. I managed to watch Gilmore Girls and Veronica Mars without being interrupted.
This prompted me make a severe mental note to find my remote for my tv in my room so that i can continue to do so now that certain house mates are back off their holidays and will no doubt demand that the big television be used for "better" tv shows. This also helped me feel better about myself and being a women since both shows have very strong female main characters that i see as great role models.

  • 3. I had red pesto for dinner.
Which is my favourite kind of pesto. And is also a healthy dinner. And also restored my faith in my ability to cook. Even if it was just pasta. And even if neil did the chicken. I still contributed.

  • 4. I video chatted with my best friend who lives far away just now.
(But she's moving back soon!) And this was good cos we've been needing to catch up for a few weeks. I also aranged to meet up with her on wednesday for Halloween shopping in Edinburgh which is good cos i miss edinburgh slightly.

So yeah. Even though it was only four things it was still a productive day. And i'm even blogging. I find it harder to blog on the weekend cos of work. I wish i had a job that gave me more sociable hours. But i suppose then i wouldn't be able to be online at half 2 on a Monday morning. Or is this Tuesday?

Clocks went back. :D
I have to say that is one of my favourite times of year.

Man i'm lazy. Anyway. Picture time.
I think i'm gonna go for something old today. Give me a sec cos i need to go pick one out.

This is old school. For me anyway. Reminds me of playing 'Brawl' on the Wii and people going as Captain Falcon just so they could say "Faaalcoooon Puuuuuuuuunch!" everytime they hit someone. I was never very good at it but it was fun to watch.

Anyway. I have a big day of dish washing and costume looking for tomorow. Fun fun fun. Why don't you just eat my brains right now. I mean something must be wrong with me. I'm listening to Laura Marling again.



Now playing: Laura Marling - Tap At My Window
via FoxyTunes

Thursday 22 October 2009

I has the sick......

AND it not be good. BUT! It does give me the best excuse ever to not go to work and to instead sit on the couch in my duvet watching the magical feelgoodness that is Gilmore girls. It's awesome. I swear this show has healing properties. Like chicken soup or ribena. And its the series with Jes. Before he goes and leaves and then Rory goes to college. So it's awesome. And even tho she already has a boyfriend you can tell that Rory and Jes are perfect for each other because they both apreciate literature and classic films and all. And Jes is like a bad boy, skipping school, vandalising shit but then he really cares about Rory. Its the sort of thing that makes me feel fuzzy inside.

Anyway. Back to me being sick. I skillfully managed to projectile all over the glass washing area at my work, totally missing the sink for the first second and a half of the projectileness thus spewing on the dirty glasses. At least they were the dirty ones. So yeah. I think my show was pretty impressive. I made 2 fellow co workers run away. The judges gave me a solid (10.0)(09.0)(09.0)(08.5)
My coach was so pleased. It was the first time i'd thrown up since the great KFC incident of '05. I just hope no one thinks i'm pregnant.

So yeah, Gilmore Girls, Veronica Mars and Orange juice seems like a pretty good morning of recovery to me.
Just need to tidy things up now. And throw away clothes from yesterday and day before. (Possibly burn them). That is if they don't get up and walk away on their own . They certainly have the funk.

Oh yeah. Picture Time.......

Will Ferrel. Cos he is awesome. Look up the episode of him on Bear Grills. Or whatever he's called. (Bear Grills sounds like something from Birds Eye. Lol)


Friday 16 October 2009

My shoulder.......

IS actualy friggin sore. It might be something to do ith the many pillows i have on my bed but i'm not changing anything for anybody. Hang on. I need to feed the cat.

Cat fed.

Anyway i apologise for the lack of blog ness over the past few days. This was due to the fact that it was the weekend, ergo i was working like a bitch, and also last night my broadband decided to go on strike so i was stuck watching a slide show of all my old photo's and feeling all nostaligic. And playing solitaire. Cos lets face it. There's like practically nothing else worth doing with a laptop that doesn't involve an internet connection.

So yeah. I'd like to mention this before anyone else gets their grubby little ears on it.
Done all wrong by Black Rebel Motorcycle Club is a fucking tune. I know i only discovered it because i downloaded the probably unofficial twilight soundtrack. But we can forget that minor detail. I just want to express my love for it now before all the little fan girls start liking it once the film comes out.
my faveourite bit is when the harmonica comes in at 2:02. Its so bone chilling. Its awesome. I liek the while song so much i even want it played at my funeral. I know it sound morbid but i do. Its about doing bad things in your past and redemption so i think its perfect.

I also decided that i want a slideshow of all my photo's at my funeral too. I have no idea why i was coming up with all these morbid thoughts. But atleast i have an idea. I can say i'm more prepared than most people....about my funeral.....yeah.

Anyway. I need to decide what to have for dinner, have a shower and continue designing my tattoo. Fun fun fun. Oh. I also need to chose a photo to put up there.

(photo is from


Wednesday 14 October 2009

I love the smell of pledge

AS in the furniture polish. At work we use it for our silvers and stuff though, like optics and the corners on the pool tables. But i love the smell of it and i'm not sure why. So i used lots of it today at work. Was fun. I clearly have no life.

Also just thought i'd sahre something random. Dunno if you are aquainted with the late nd great Elliott Smith or not. But i grabbed a picture off a random site the other day and i'm now using it as my desktop background. At first I thought it was just a random grafitti'd wall so i saved it cos i thought it looked pretty. It wasn't until closer inspection that i discovered it was Eliott Smith's memorial wall. I didn't even know he had a memorial wall. Apparently it's on Sunset Blvd. So now my pc's bakground has more meaning. :)
But yeah. If you've never heard of him then check out "Angel in the Snow". It'll change your life.

(Said song from above)

Anyway I need to get some sleeps. I'm working most of the day tomorow. And then I have a big plans tomorow night. I'm happy happy happy. :D


Tuesday 13 October 2009

Hi Guyth!...........

WELL here i am writing another one. Are you proud of me?
I know i didn't give myself much of an introduction in my previous post and for that you'll have to firgive me. So let me tell you a little about myself.
As you can tell from the "About Me" section over yonder I am female, youngish, green eyed and what not. And i'm very sorry but i must tell you now that i am not very interesting. I don't do anything. I have a simle minimum wage job, a few close friends, one boyfriend, a cat and a dog. And that's about it. I live in Scotland but I was originally born in England. I went to School for 13 years and College for 1. I don't play sports, hell I don't even exercise. I like to spend my time either with my boyfriend, getting drunk or on my lap top. Since I got this thing, a pretty sweet Acer aspire, I have been totally addicted to the internet. It's insane. I've lost countless hours of sleep because i've been watching videos, reading blogs, looking at fails/graphs/lolcats/anything else cheezburger related, lurking on forums and downloading shit that i'll use once and then let it sit in my pc taking up memory space.
This blog will probably be the most worthwhile thing I have ever typed. Well appart from this kick ass Hemingway essay I did in 5th year. That weas awesome.

So yeah. At present i am waiting for my work uniform to dry and comtemplating what to have for dinner. My life is so interesting. It's actualy kinda sad that my life is less interesting than the posts on MLIA. All of the cool stuff that happens to them never happens to me.

Well tumble dryers been on for about hal an hour now. Guess I'll go see if it's dry. Still don't know what to have for dinner. Oh. Before i forget. Watch this : (insertrandomlinknamehere)
It's so awesome. I want one for my house.


(p.s I don't know why I signed the first one but i'll have to start doing all of them now. Just to make it fair)

Monday 12 October 2009

Blogging has always been ......

ASSOCIATED with crying, whingy emo kinds of people who have so much of an opinion that they need to post it on the internet but lack the balls to say it to anyones face, or even in a video response.
I am no one of those people but yet I am here writing my first entry on Blogger (which i'm sure i've opened an account with before but under a different e- mail address and possibly in german but thats not important).
Infact i find myself quite the opposite to these opinionated people. Whether it be dyslexia or just plain laziness, I hate writing. I just can't find the power to do it sometimes. To gather a group of words together and make them into a sentence is a pretty arduous task sometimes. Yet I beleive i am eloquent, I can in the proper queens english when i want to. I just find it challenging to apply this voccabulary to paper or, as i might witness soon, screen. As i'm writing this i can't help but think that there is a very high possibility of this being my only post in this blog.
But i do love a challenge. And although I haven't told anyone about this i still feel that posting something from your heart and mind on the internet is a public thing to do. So the idea behind my blog making decisions is this.
If i start this blog and get 1 or 2 readers (or pretend i've got 1 or 2 readers), then i will feel obliged to write in it.
Therefore hopefully gaining practice in this whole writing malarky the wee emo kids are so crazy about these days.

We'll just have to wait and see though. Wish me luck.