Friday 2 April 2010

I don't sleep

bacause I can't.......

Laura Marling's lyrics understand me better than any living thing on this planet.

There's a word for people that fall in love with inanimate objects but what is it when the objects aren't even objects. They're just a combination of words from the english language arranged in such a way that it makes my heart melt travel through my veins and pour out my eyes.

"and I'm sorry to which ever man should meet my sorry state,
watch my steady lonesome gait and beware.
I would never love a man 'cause love and pain go hand in hand
and I can't do it again."
New Romantic, Laura Marling

Maybe I'm getting too obsessed with it but everyone has to have one artist that they can't get out of their head. Everyone does it. At some point in their life.

I need to stop posting in the middle of the night.

"Now come on." says authoritative voice of reason in my head.
"It is far to early in the morning for you to still be awake. Go to bed this instant so that you can wake up in a few hours time and make something if yourself. And godammit stop listening to that incredibly amazing and heartbreaking folk singer who used to be in Noah and the Whale."

I know right!

"5 years time" sucks now.

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