Friday 26 March 2010

"Then you better start swimmin’ or you’ll sink like a stone For the times they are a-changin’"

I started my new job this week. Well I am still working for the same company. And I am still getting the occaisional bar shift. BUT! I am also now a proper Lightjock. And as of monday i will be popping into the Fubar once a week for "maintenance". Not entirely sure what that entails but im sure i'll find out.

So yeah. Exciting stuff. And the snow had cleared and the the weathers warmer and true its been raining a bit but I think after all the snow everyone can handle it.

Laura Marling has a new album. I strongly recommend it. If I could marry her lyrics I would just so I could listen to them forever.

Funniest Youtube video i've seen in a while......(click me)
If you've watched Potter puppet pals before then you'll know who he is. If not then (click me!)
It may be fake but I don't care.

Lets see what else. Been using the old fake tan moisturiser again and I've obviously not washed my hands properly afterwards cos now I have a stain between my fingers that gives me the appearance of a 40 year old chain smoker.

Got my invite to spotify a few weeks ago which is pretty handy since this whole new E.U downloading law has leaked. Means when I eventualy stop, which I think I might have to eventualy. Depends how crazy our government will be at tracking culprits, I will still have free access to lots of awesome music. Just not on the go.

Anyway I am le tired. So I shall sleep before I fire ze misiles.

I would also like to raise that point that I dont like Glee and I think its crap.

That is all.
Gut Nacht.

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