No not a para-legal firm or bakery as the name suggests but a folk band to recently sprout out of London along with the likes of Noah and the whale, Laura Marling :),>
But on hearing this band for the first time a few months ago I was stricken with the resemblance between Mumford and Sons and Beirut, an American band with a most prominent eastern european and balkan folk flavour.
I have therefore come to the conclusion that Mumford and sons are a rip off of Beirut.
Even though they probably aren't.
MAS may never have even heard the amazing music of Beirut. But who knows. This is my blog. I can post whatever I want.
So yeah. This doesn't mean that MAS aren't a good band. I just feel that their style should be reserved for bands not originating from this country.
Because I actually have nothing against them. 'The Cave' and 'Winter Winds' are really good songs. But maybe the problem I'm really having here is that they're making this style of music that I love mainstream. *shudders*
I mean I heard them on radio 1. And radio 1 is awesome but I have never heard them playing Beirut (thank god) even though they are, like I said, being ripped off by MAS.
I guess i dont want this genre that i've just started to love to become popular and get ruined. :(